The manager module

The manager module contains the ConnectionManager class which is responsible for managing the ability to transfer data between two different connections.

The ConnectionManager class

Inheritance diagram of pysiriproxy.connections.manager.ConnectionManager

class pysiriproxy.connections.manager.ConnectionManager(logger=None)[source]

The ConnectionManager object managers incoming connection directions and provides the ability to forward data between them.

It allows a connection direction to be connected to an opposite connection direction which allows data to be forwarded from the direction to the connected direction.


Add a connection to our set of connections.

  • connection – The connection object to add

Remove a directed connection from our set of connections.

  • direction – The direction of the connection object to remove
forward(direction, data)[source]

Forward the data from one connection to another.

  • direction – The direction of the data
  • data – The data to forward

Get the connection for the specific direction.

  • direction – The direction for the connection to retrieve

Get the formatted name of the forward direction for the given direction.

  • direction – The data direction

Get the most recently used reference id for the connection with the given direction.

  • direction – The direction for the connection

Determine if there is a connection to forward data to.

  • direction – The incoming data direction
injectObject(direction, obj)[source]

Inject an object into the connection with the given direction.

  • direction – The direction to inject the object
  • obj – The object to inject

Reset all of the connections that are being managed.

setRefId(refId, direction)[source]

Set the ref id for the forward connection.

  • refId – The ref id
  • direction – The data direction

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