The testSupport module

The testSupport class contains classes and utility functions designed to aid the process of writing test modules for pysiriproxy.

The Connection class

Inheritance diagram of pysiriproxy.testing.testSupport.Connection

class pysiriproxy.testing.testSupport.Connection[source]

The Connection class implements the basic functionality of a connections.Connection which is used in responding to a request from Siri. This Connection class is compatible with the connections.ConnectionManager and the PluginManager and is used for testing purposes.


The Callback property defines the callback function that is called in the event that an object is injected into the output stream of a connection.


The Direction property defines the direction that data is traveling for this Connection.


The RefId property defines the reference ID for this Connection.

classmethod getDirection()[source]

Get the data direction for this Connection.

classmethod getRefId()[source]

Return the RefId for this Connection.

classmethod injectObjectToOutputStream(obj)[source]

Inject the given object to the output stream.

  • obj – The object to inject to the output stream

The Server class

Inheritance diagram of pysiriproxy.testing.testSupport.Server

class pysiriproxy.testing.testSupport.Server[source]

Create a Server Connection for testing.


Define the direction for this Connection to indicate that it is from Apple’s web server.


Define the reference ID for the server Connection.

The iPhone class

Inheritance diagram of pysiriproxy.testing.testSupport.iPhone

class pysiriproxy.testing.testSupport.iPhone[source]

Create an iPhone Connection for testing.


Define the direction for this Connection to indicate that it is from the iPhone.


Define the reference ID for the iPhone Connection.

Table Of Contents

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The pluginTester module

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The connections module

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